Experiment #75

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When Scott and I broke up. He and I dated after Scott and are still good friends to this day. I think this comic has some typos in it as well, but I still like the colors and the exchange between my heart and my brain.

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Experiment #74

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I used me be thin, once. I went through 4 trampolines, and had this insomnia problem for years because of the extra energy that I carried with me. It manifested into anxiety over time.

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Experiment #73

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I ended up re-drawing this comics years later, but my original crazy sketch of me in the last panel here still makes me laugh.

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Experiment #72

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The night Steve valued our friendship more than a physical relationship. We’ve been good friends since.

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Experiment #71

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Another comic where my dyslexia shows through. Some spelling errors here. But I like the colors.

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Experiment #70

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Still pining for Steve. It’s important to remember that young women feel deeply and I was one once.

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Experiment #70

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The first time I ever gave blood I passed out. This has been repeated every subsequent time I’ve given blood.

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Experiment #69

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I was Ken Penders assistant at Archie comics for several years after high school. This was a comic of what one of my weeks looked like.

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Experiment #68

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Pining for Steve. We’re still friends now, but there were years there we didn’t talk after the breakup.

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Experiment #67

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When Steve and I broke up. I was so young, it hit me so hard when my first love and I broke up. But I got through it and survived.

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