Experiment #84

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Working in the costume shop while carrying a 101 fever.

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Experiment #83

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When I worked in a costume shop for my day job, I got to dress up almost every day in costumes during the month of October leading up to Halloween.

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Experiment #82

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Just chasing some hoodlums in a Chicken suit.

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Experiment #81

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Depression’s a hell of a drug.

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Experiment #80

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Voices of my characters. It’s not schizophrenia, I realize now, it’s just how characters come to creative people.

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Experiment #79

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Working at a feed store for one of the worst bosses I ever had. It was a physically taxing job. I was lifting up 300 lbs hay bails with hooks and lifting them into trucks for feed as well as U-Haul. Job sucked.

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Experiment #78

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A self-portrait from my childhood bedroom. I was still living at home at age 22 and drew me here. It was on lined paper and I dropped out the highlighter color.

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Experiment #77

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The car accident. Quickly drawn in my sketchbook and thrown together quickly while my emotions were raw. I think there are typos.

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Experiment #76

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Scott and I nekkid from one of my sketchbooks.

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Experiment #75

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When Scott and I broke up. He and I dated after Scott and are still good friends to this day. I think this comic has some typos in it as well, but I still like the colors and the exchange between my heart and my brain.

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