Life of Glych #80 – An Update on Glych

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I have no idea when I drew this comic exactly, because I forgot to date it, but I think I drew it around the time I drew these other two. So, despite me posting it now, I’m throwing it in this chapter because I think the style’s match and they were in the same box.

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Life of Glych #83 – Pregnant

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This was the day my life changed.

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Life of Glych #82 – Ringing in the New Year

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I like this one better. The drawing, not the event.

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Life of Glych #69

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Ian is a lean mean teachin’ machine. At the time he was working at a very rough school ina bankrupt district. We have since moved to Colorado from California and the situation did not improve much. We are both in other careers now since the time I did this comic.

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Life of Glych #66

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I really like the visual play with the comic format in this panel. When you’re not feeling well (depression) you do fish for compliments, but it’s not out of a need to be the center of attention. More of validation for the qualities about yourself that are positive rather than focus on the negative.

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Life of Glych #44

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When I was little I had very bad ear aches. While I’m not subject to them as much as an adult, once in a blue moon I get a bad one. I was on some heavy antibiotics at the time that had codeine for the pain. Tweeker was my sleeping body.

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Life of Glych #42

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We were living in California before moving out to Colorado in a neighborhood that had a housing association. While I can appreciate the desire to ensure a stake in the property value of each home, the place where we were living was purchased as a HUD house. This stands for “Housing Under Development,” ranging from a “fixer upper,” or “a dump that needed repair,” in some cases. The house Ian bought was closer to “fixer upper,” but still had issues.

One issue being the lawn and yard. The lawn was dead when he bought the house. No sprinklers worked outside the house at all as they had been destroyed by the previous owner upon losing the house. I hand-planted that lawn back and nursed it to life with hose water for months after I moved in. Ian and I planted shrubs and manicured roses. We raised the tree with straps a little at a time. Sprinklers got fixed, drainage issues resolved over weeks of digging a channel in the mud ourselves. Ian was a ninja with the edger and lawn mower. The backyard was maintained.

Months turned into years, and years turned into some pretty scenic mornings with dew on grass, hummingbirds, the cats playing in the yard amongst the lilies of the Nile. None of which mattered to the HOA.

Letters, photos, harassment. We once received a letter about potted plants on the porch when the head of the HOA had potted plants on his porch.

I loath that HOA…

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Life of Glych #41

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This was an actual conversation Ian and I had. I had been looking for steady work in the arts pretty much since graduating from college at that point with little luck. It is only now, after living in Colorado for seven months, that I am working in an industry I love at a place I really like. It’s a lot easier to be posting these comics in that position that the one I was in when I made them.

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Life of Glych #40

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Ah, Skyrim, my sanctuary. I have played this game off and on since it was released back in 2011. I have a character I started about 3 or 4 weeks ago on my game console right now for Skyrim….

Don’t judge me. I’m having fun.

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Life of Glych #38

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First Rule of Surviving a Zombie is cardio, Cardio, CARDIO!

Ian Ray

Ian Ray

Amber and Ian are deciding to go on the Zombie Run which sounds like a blast!  Remember Zombieland?  This is kinda like that but no guns and you need to run through mud and over obstacles.

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