Hello there! So we had a bit of a hiccup yesterday. It seems I was using the wrong tools. Before, when I had made online comics, I was using either Gav’s Pearl system over at Keenspot, or Joey Manley’s PHP system at Modern Tales. When I did it on my own, I was reduced to HTML which is a lot of work to hand-update a comic. Since then, several people created Comicpress as a plugin to WordPress. Well, Comicpress is no longer supported and there is no one really writing updates for it anymore… So it crashed and I was lost without help. With the help of my webmaster, we were able to identify the problem in the PHP and cut out the fat. This means a new system.
The successor to the Comicpress throne appears to be Comic Easel… so we’ll see how I do. If there are any more headaches, let me know.
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