Experiment #66

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More Linda comics.

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Experiment #39

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This was one of my first tries at coloring things in Photoshop, circa Photoshop 7.0. The linework was off of the back of a legal pad that I scanned in and blew the hell out of to make it black lines of white instead of the cream it was originally.

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Experiment #38

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Chibi-style art was all the rage in the early 2000s. This was my Watchmen.

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Experiment #37

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Shatner Yoda and Like Spockwalker. I think these are pretty self-explanitory.

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Experiment #36

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A sketch in one of my sketchbooks I thought was extremely clever at the time. I like the outline of the body.


Experiment #35

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Playing with Photoshop filters and effects again.

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Experiment #34

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This was the postcard image for a show I did with artist Don Forkner called Counterwise way back in 2002. The postcard went out without the word balloon.

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Experiment #33

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I didn’t invent memes, but I think I had the format down pretty early. Original artwork from Blacksad #1.

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Experiment #32

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This was a spec piece I did for a book that never happened called The Wooden Sword. I still like it.

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Experiment #31

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Some more Photoshop and Wacom doodles. Teaching myself the tools way back then.

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