I like this one better. The drawing, not the event.
Life of Glych #69
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Ian is a lean mean teachin’ machine. At the time he was working at a very rough school ina bankrupt district. We have since moved to Colorado from California and the situation did not improve much. We are both in other careers now since the time I did this comic.
Life of Glych #68
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I think every cat owner has suffered from this beguiling act the feline race is capable of at least once in their lives.
Life of Glych #44
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When I was little I had very bad ear aches. While I’m not subject to them as much as an adult, once in a blue moon I get a bad one. I was on some heavy antibiotics at the time that had codeine for the pain. Tweeker was my sleeping body.
Life of Glych #43
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Oh, Tweeker. When I had originally made this comic Tweeker was still alive and had slept with me throughout the whole day (of which the following week of comics is about). He was surely missed. He used to crawl under blankets when he wanted to sleep and be warm and snuggly.
Life of Glych #11
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I think everyone has had a night like this. I have a few of them from time to time. Since drawing this comic, my worry and situation has improved greatly, but the heart of it will always be carried with me. Ian’s cat Tweeker really does like to sleep there at night, though, and purrs in my ear all night. Here’s a pic of Ian and Tweeker because I love them both <3