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…And thus we view the birth of Captain T. This comic took a long time to upload. If you look at the date of the last few updates and the dates of the drawings there are obvious gaps. Coming up is going to be starting to work through some depression stuff. While I did these comics a long time ago, there hurt to make. I put them in a folder and the folder in a drawer. After moving several states over, changing jobs, and having most of my material possessions in storage I lost track of them. Upon re-discovery I know what I’m going to do with this comic now. Before the vision wasn’t so clear.
Before, I knew I had to make a comic about this stuff but being in the middle of the dark spot I was trying to distract myself with happy colors and jokes (just like real life). The truth of it is I was really broken during this period of time. I no longer am that way but have the strength to write about it now. LOG is about that. Captain T is happier stuff. I’m glad I was able to share it with you here before making it into something bigger.
But the comic’s subject matter might turn towards the dark after I get through these backlog archives… These have to be posted first… Thank you.
captain t, comic, dream, king ollie, stowaway, tweeker
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This is after about a weeks work or so, anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, of adding clay. Because I kept turning him over in my hands the black smeared into the white a bit, but the shape is starting to come together.

This is a pretty good profile shot. The sword is only loosely placed in his hand. The weight is good enough that I can probably point it forward when I get to that point.

This is T from the back. I have not defined any muscle tissue yet, this is just roughing in the black.

From the back he is starting to look like a cat. His feet still seem huge to me though.

The goggles are only roughed in foil at this stage and might be subject to change. They are only placed on the head, not pinned or attached.
armature wire, art, captain t, clay, process, progress, sculpture, tin foil
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After adding some pins to hold in the last loose bits of foil and some final tweaking, it was time to add clay! Now, like an idiot, I started with the white. I should have started with the black and added white later. I was more concerned with the weight than I was the material, so the white will have to be addressed in the future.

His feet feel like they got huge at this stage, but I stuck to my model sheet. His tail is at a good angle. All dtail is only roughed in at this point.

A shot from the side and the tuxedo belly of Captain T.

Another shot from the back of the tail twist counter to the action line of his body.

T looking straight on. I had moved his arm so they lined up.
armature wire, captain t, clay, process, progress, sculpture, tin foil
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I had given it some thought after a few days and realized that in order for the sword to be solid it would need a structure like the rest Captain T for the clay to hold onto. And thus- the sword has skin!

This is a shot from the back. I has added more foil to some of the tight spots to fill them out as well as worked on the angle of his fingers, tail, ears, and legs to give him more dynamic angles and the illusion of life.

This is a good shot of the profile that hints at the final design. The sword is based on Arabic design because I can’t help but think of adventure when I imagine that part of the world.

This is a fuller profile. T might be able to point his sword a little more forward, but I’m going to have to wait for that after I add some clay and see how he balances.

His arms are comically short, which I think works for the character’s appeal. But T’s the underdog against whomever he is fighting.
armature wire, captain t, design, process, progress, sculpture, tin foil
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Since the last post’s progress we had *gasp for breath* moved across the country, sold a house, lived on a friend’s living room floor for nearly five months, rented a storage unit, got an apartment, I started a new job, Ian started a new job, and we both put our lives into storage. Only recently have we been unpacking bits and pieces into a small apartment until we find a new house.
And Captain T was one of the things I found! So I got a smaller gauge of armature wire to help support the detailed bits. I added toes, fingers, ears, filled out body structure, and decided that the hand IS holding a sword. I can distribute the weight correctly without him falling forward.

This is a pretty good angle for details of his fingers. His tail’s angle will change a few times since this picture. Note the outline of the sword in the new wire.

Another frontal shot of Captain T. I closed his front hand and added more facial detail with tin foil. The shapes are there but hard to see in these photos due to the material and distance.

Side view. I tried to line up his sword with his vision as much as possible. His ears are at attention.

This is a shot from the other side. The sword is not firmly placed at this point, so moving him around is actually causing it to swing back and forth a bit in these photos.

The sword is a little askew in these photos. I smashed it between the pages of some pretty heavy books at my disposal after these photos to flatten it out.

This photo does a good job of showing the angle of his tail and curve of his spine in relation to his back. A great action line.
armature wire, captain t, design, progress, sculpture, tin foil
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Oops. This comic was skipped in the uploading process too. Retroactively inserted.
adventure, captain t, life of glych, Log, stowaway, tweeker
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I hadn’t taken many progress photos between the last set and this one. I basically continued to fill out the body with wire until it was solid enough to cover with tin foil. This is just ordinary tin foil found in any super market. I had only worked with the thick wire and the tin foil at this point in the process so T was pretty flimsy. His arms would bend easily just by touching them and the tin foil wasn’t secure completely around the wire. But his shape was forming.

This is viewing the figure from the back. I had bent his tail up to center the weight more over his feet. At this point his arm was still twisted back. Note the large feet. This is for stability.

Looking at the figure from the side is a lot easier to tell what stance he is in. This is pretty boring at this point and lacks the dynamic shift from later photos. His hand’s shape wasn’t defined at this point. I did not know if he would be pointing or holding a sword. I was worried about the added weight.

A frontal view of Captain T. His stance is pretty stiff at this point but was still malleable. I was able to make him twist more dynamically before the next step. Between this step and the next was several months and a move across town so he went in a box with a bunch of other tools until I found him again in the new city.
armature wire, captain t, progress, sculpture, tin foil
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This comic was accidentally skipped when originally posted.
captain t, dreaming, ear infection, glydh, Terrainia, tweeker
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Since these comics were made, I have changed the ship design. But this opening sequence of the ship coming into view and swinging around is still part of the final product.
adventure, captain t, captain tweek, comic, flying, glych, Terrainia
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This originally started out as a quick one-week story that expanded into something much bigger than that… kind of like how Popeye took over the Caster Oil comic strip back in the ’30’s and ’40s of the last century.
captain t, captain tweek, dream, flying, glych, ship, Terrainia