Life of Glych #75 – The Story of Lump

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This is the beginning of the end of a friendship, in comic form. Because when you’re hurt, make art. I wrote other poems that won’t make it into comic form, so here is one below. I shall include another with the next page.

The good thing about the end is that it got me to get to making comics again. I’m just sad how things ended, that things ended, and that I let someone take advantage of me for so long. So, to poetry! Enjoy:

Smells Like Lump

I knew a little lump.
Lumping through his day.
He lumped his way to the fridge,
and lumped his way to slay
video game monsters on the Internet all day.
But the little lazy lump,
with his lazy gaming days,
forgot to lump to work, and oops!
He lumped his Internet away
with no monsters left to slay.
So now he yells and cries,
and lumps himself a fit.
But this lazy little lump?
He’s just a piece of shit.
And I am done with it.


Life of Glych #74

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I missed yesterday, but this isn’t a weekly like it used to be. More chapter based so I think it should be okay.

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Life of Glych #73

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Muddy, muddy, muddy… But I shall keep plunging forward. I am very out of practice.

Life of Glych #72

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Tomorrow’s comic won’t be so muddy. The Higgins Eternal Black Water Proof Ink is not so water proof when it’s been sitting in storage for several years. I have other inks that are pretty solid, so tomorrow’s comic should be a lot cleaner. Enjoy.

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Life of Glych #71

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It’s been a long time since I’ve updated comics, but part of the story is going to be about why, so stay tuned. We’re going to go over depression, anxiety, and other invisible issues.

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Life of Glych #70

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Really it’s taking a lot of time observing and adding detail. Practice, practice, practice…

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Life of Glych #69

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Ian is a lean mean teachin’ machine. At the time he was working at a very rough school ina bankrupt district. We have since moved to Colorado from California and the situation did not improve much. We are both in other careers now since the time I did this comic.

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Life of Glych #68

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I think every cat owner has suffered from this beguiling act the feline race is capable of at least once in their lives.

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Life of Glych #67

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Oh Rhi…

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Life of Glych #66

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I really like the visual play with the comic format in this panel. When you’re not feeling well (depression) you do fish for compliments, but it’s not out of a need to be the center of attention. More of validation for the qualities about yourself that are positive rather than focus on the negative.

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