Life of Glych #36

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Ian Ray

Ian Ray

This is a long overdue update of comics Amber did over 3 years ago when we had only been together for a bit. it is time now to scan them in and get them online so she can make NEW comics for all of us.

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Some new goodies in the archives and scheduling

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Things have been busy for me here at the glych-ranch. We’re still in a transitional period between California and Colorado so I don’t have my office set up or art supplies handy. I have been busy working on future projects which I will be cataloging here on P2P. There will be some format changes but nothing too big. I will be keeping music here, though. Enjoy the latest update. I’ll track my progress on this song production as I go.

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Masquerading as the News

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It’s been a while since I’ve updated this portion of the website, though that should be changing in the near future. As part of my process to learn the animation software that I’ve purchased to work on Captain T (A secret project of mine), I’ve opted to animate a quick parody sketch making fun of Fox News. While Fox is singled out here, what I’m really attacking is the sensationalism and lack of fact-checking that has become the norm for cable news in general. CNN has embarrassed themselves by promoting theory and polls above facts and figures, and MSNBC hasn’t won me over by repeating the same information I can find online in less time. Fox is the worst offender, so it has become my inspiration. Above, you’ll see some research notes I have downloaded about the composition of the song The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Working from a pre-existing song is a bit easier than writing your ownThe piano portion is directly from the original composition but the cello, percussion, guitar, and singing are my additions.

Below are some downloadable sound files of the beginning of the song including a quick recording of the full lyrics and my .midi file sound test for the final composition. Within the midi file you’ll hear the singing melody but it will be removed from the final version. This was to allow me to hear the entire song and how each notes plays off of each other. Feedback is welcome.

Sound Files

For sound files

Lyrics sound test sung by Amber Greenlee

This is my second rough take singing Masquerading as the News. This is not the final clean recording, just a sound test to make sure I could hit all of the notes and to hear the cadence and rhythm of the lyrics.

For sound files

Masquerading as the News.MIDI

 Here is the rough .MIDI file for the final composition. The vocal track is included in this version to hear how everything fits together. The final voice recording will follow the rhythm of this composition and not the rough recording above.

 Masquerading as the News

(to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic)


It’s opinion television masquerading as the news,
We ignore established facts
to report our lies to you.
By giving only one perspective
you will share our point of view,
Masquerading as the News.


Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Masquerading as the News.

O’Reiley is on fire
when he stirs up white men’s ire,
About the illegals that they hire
for the jobs they don’t admire.
But his financial quagmire
is if he doesn’t then he’s fired from-
Masquerading as the News.

(speaking) Second chorus same one before us!


Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Masquerading as the News.

And then there’s Megyn Kelly
whose brains are full of jelly,
If she thinks it’s really swell-ey
that men control her belly.
But she’s battling the wrong fights
about her reproductive rights-
Masquerading as the News.



Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Fox News is purely Propaganda!
Fox News is purely Propaganda!

Masquerading as the News!

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A Lost Pair of Naughtypants

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You know when a song has been floating in your head for a while? This is one of those songs for me. Part of Naughtypants journey from being a totally self-absorbed person to a decent human being is getting lost outside the castle, in the rain. While not a big obstacle for someone like you or me, for her, it’s braving the elements. This song is bound to change a lot between now and the final version, but for now, I’m satisfied with it. A downloadable .midi file is after the sheet music.



Here is that .midi file. Enjoy.


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Castle Theme

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Finale Notepad is a wonderful little program. It lets you write out the sheet music in a very visual way, while checking the sound of your piece with an instant .midi playback.

I don’t have an amazing studio full of the latest and greatest technology, but I have Finale Notepad. So here I am, saying thanks, and sharing with you some of the music I’ve been working on. Each of the files below are a free .midi download that can be played on any player that can read such files.

Enjoy! I’d love some feedback.

A "Greensleeves,"-inspired melody to be played at high and slow speeds depending on the mood of the scene.

A “Greensleeves,”-inspired melody to be played at high and slow speeds depending on the mood of the scene.


I have no musical training. This is a link to a clean midi file of the musical notation above.

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